Common Forms of Kidnapping in Southern California and How to Protect Yourself
When people think of kidnapping, they tend to think of creepy old men in windowless vans luring school kids with candy: In reality, kidnapping is much more than this stereotypical view. There are many different forms of kidnapping that can potentially affect you and your loved ones. Therefore, it is essential that you understand the various types of kidnapping and how to protect yourself and others.Express Kidnapping
Express kidnapping is an increasingly common form of kidnapping, especially in larger cities. Express kidnapping occurs when you enter a taxi or other public mode of transportation and a perpetrator teams up with a gang of kidnappers to drive you to various ATMs or banks and force you to make several monetary withdraws. In some cases, you may be let go unharmed; however, more frequently than not, you may be held at ransom by your perpetrators and possibly assaulted. To protect yourself, try not to call attention to yourself and your wealth by wearing expensive jewelry, watches, or clothing.Abduction by Family Member
This is probably the most common form of kidnapping in Southern California. Whereas many people assume that child kidnapping is usually perpetrated by a creepy stranger, this is just not the case. More often than not, the child knows and trusts the perpetrator. Family members or even a boyfriend/girlfriend may justify kidnapping as a way to show power and control, or to seek revenge due to a custody battle or break-up. If you have children, protect them by instructing them to never accept a ride from anyone—family member or not—unless they have received permission from you or if the person can relay a secret code decided upon by you and your children.Talk to a Lawyer
Express kidnapping and abduction by a family member are common, but you may find yourself at risk for other forms of kidnapping or assault. One of the best things you can do to protect yourself in any situation is to understand your rights, as well as how to physically and legally protect yourself and your boundaries. Consult with a kidnapping lawyer if you have any doubts when it comes to the laws behind kidnapping or what you can do to protect yourself. Kidnapping is a terrible, but complicated, crime. If you find yourself having been a victim of kidnapping or are being wrongfully accused of kidnapping, contact a lawyer who is specialized in working with cases of kidnapping. And above all, protect yourself and your loved ones by avoiding high-risk behaviors, informing a trusted friend where you are at all times, and being aware of what’s going on around you. Got questions about kidnapping laws in Southern California? Click here to discover how we can answer those questions today!
Bradley Corbett
Bradley Corbett is a criminal defense attorney in San Diego. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo Utah in 2004. Later he enrolled at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego where he participated in a prestigious internship program with the Los Angeles County Public Defender. Since then he has handled over 2,000 cases.