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How to Recover from a DUI

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Receiving a DUI can drastically affect your life. It can cost you your job, your ability to drive, and much more. While it may be devastating, you need to look ahead and find ways to help you recover from a DUI. Taking these steps can help you get your life back on track. 

Try to Remain Sober 

While it might not be what you want to hear, staying sober may be the best option for you. Intoxication is what led to this issue in the first place, so the best solution may be to avoid drinking for a while. Staying sober can help you to stay more in control of your life and it can set you up for better decision making in the future. Don’t be discouraged if you have any relapses. Achieving sobriety is a process and you should celebrate any victories you make and push past any lapses you may have. To remain sober, it is also helpful to have others supporting you through it. 

Identify and Avoid Triggers 

As a part of your journey to remain sober, you need to understand what triggers you to drink. Many people drink for emotional reasons. Others might drink during social situations. It’s different for everyone, so you need to reflect on yourself and determine what leads you to drink. Once you know what triggers you, it’s time to take steps to avoid it. For example, if you only drink when you’re at parties or with other people, you may need to limit your outings or avoid being around people who might lead you to drink. You need to take responsibility for your own habits and know what boundaries you need to set for yourself. 

Get a Support System 

Your support system will be there for you in many ways. As mentioned, having a support system can help you to stay sober. Having other people encourage you and help keep you accountable can be extremely effective. Your support system will also help you through the process of recovering from a DUI. For example, an attorney can help you with the legal aspects of your DUI case. With an attorney on your side, you can hope for a better outcome to your situation. While a DUI can cause a lot of problems in your life, it doesn’t mean your life is over. There is a lot you can do to help pull yourself back up and continue on. Everyone will face a different journey, so you need to find solutions that will work best for you.  If you’re dealing with a DUI case, you need the right team on your side. Click here to find a qualified attorney to assist on your case.  

Bradley Corbett

Bradley Corbett is a criminal defense attorney in San Diego. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo Utah in 2004. Later he enrolled at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego where he participated in a prestigious internship program with the Los Angeles County Public Defender. Since then he has handled over 2,000 cases.

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