The Law Office of Bradley Corbett

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Over 17 years of experience
619-800-4449 760-201-9839

Drug Crime Cases

Unequal Odds: Defending Those with Limited Education and Employment in Drug Crime Cases

In the realm of drug crime cases, individuals with limited education and employment face significant challenges when it comes to defending their rights. The legal system can be complex and intimidating, making it crucial for these individuals to seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Navigating the Complex Legal System For individuals with […]

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The Critical Need for a Criminal Defense Attorney in Stalking Domestic Abuse Cases to Protect Your Future

In cases of stalking domestic abuse, ensuring the protection of victims and the fair treatment of all parties involved is of utmost importance. It is equally crucial to recognize the critical role played by criminal defense attorneys in these cases. Engaging the services of a reputable law firm specializing in stalking domestic abuse cases can […]

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The Importance of Early Legal Representation: Why Hiring a San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney Matters

Facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming and stressful experience, filled with uncertainty and potential life-altering consequences. Navigating the complex legal system requires expertise and experience, making it crucial to secure the services of a skilled criminal defense attorney as early as possible in the process. In this article, we will discuss the importance of […]

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The Misuse of a Handicap Placard

A handicap placard is a card, typically hung on the rearview mirror of a car, issued to individuals with any type of disability. They can use their placard to park in handicap parking spaces so it’s easier for them to access buildings. Unfortunately, there are instances where people misuse these placards and it is a […]

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Shoplifting as a Minor in California

When committing any kind of crime while under the age of 18, laws will apply differently than if you commit a crime as an adult. If you shoplift as a minor in California, the consequences and penalties will differ and it’s worth knowing the difference.  Focus on Rehabilitation  As an adult, you will be given […]

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Driving With a Suspended License

All drivers need to have a valid license in order to drive. If you are pulled over and do not have a license, you will face penalties. However, driving with a suspended license will lead to more severe punishments. Understanding everything related to this type of case will help you to know what to do […]

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Evading a Police Officer

In California, it is illegal to flee from a pursuing police officer. There are a variety of circumstances in which this may occur. Understanding the laws surrounding this type of case can help you know how to handle your situation.  What is Evading a Police Officer? According to California state law, evading a police officer […]

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Doctor Shopping and Recovering from Addiction

In California, doctor shopping is a very serious crime that is often the result of addictions individuals cannot control. At the Law Offices of Bradley Corbett, clients are not viewed as criminals. Instead, they are seen as individuals who’ve made a mistake and simply need help to move past it.  What is Doctor Shopping? Doctor […]

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The Ins and Outs of Theft and Robbery

What many people may not realize is there are many differences between theft and robbery. Most may assume they both fall under the general category of stealing, but the differences can lead to different consequences and verdicts. It’s worth it to know what distinguishes them.  Theft vs Robbery  One of the most notable differences between […]

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Illegal Cultivation of Marijuana

Throughout the United States, marijuana has achieved varying levels of legality. California is one state that has largely legalized the use, distribution, and cultivation of marijuana. However, there are still some restrictions in place. If you cultivate marijuana, you need to understand the laws surrounding its cultivation and what is in store if you violate […]

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